
spacewalk cover

How do I describe what I feel, as I drift gently through the vacuum that encompassess the totality of everything that ever has and ever will exist? I gaze upon our earth, so noisy from the ground but silent now, glowing with its hues of brilliant blue, earthy green and soft white. The sun, an omnipresent entity to those who walk upon the earth, twinkles at me now, just one of billions and billions of stars burning in this eternal darkness.  

Somewhere out there lie planets we have discovered, even further beyond lie planets we have not. Here and now I am part of eternity; the full realisation of how I will never comprehend it washes over me. What wonders exist that we will never know of? What possibilities lie in this expanse? 

I desperately wish I could see more, that I could float through this expanse and gaze upon its infinite creations. I wish I could witness the birth of a star, travel to strange and mysterious planets, and perhaps even discover life in a multitude of other forms. How glorious that would be! I can’t even begin to imagine the possibilities - 

What was that? I feel a strange disturbance and look back - my tether has snapped! I grapple wildly for something to hold on to, but the force of the severance has propelled me away from my anchor. I find myself desperately trying to ‘swim’ back, back toward the only way for me to go home, but to no avail. Panic rises within me as I watch myself drift further and further away from safety. 

What can I do? How do I survive? There must be some way for me to save myself! I’m never going to see my family again. I’m never going to touch the ground again. I’m never going home. How much air do I have left? How long will I last? How do I get help? How do I get out of this? I wish I could see my daughter’s face one last time. I wish I could send her a message. I wish I could eat a meal at home. Is there really nothing I can do? What will happen when my air runs out? There’s nothing I can do. I’m so scared. Somebody please help me. I don’t want to float here alone until I die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die.

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

I’m going to die. 

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