Joker: The Origin of the Agent of Anarchy


A story of loneliness and misunderstanding in a world that does not want to listen, Joker brings a deeper element of seriousness to a superhero universe with this origin story that truly does justice to an iconic villain.

In the comics there are multiple versions of how the Joker came to be, many of which involve disfigurement in a vat of chemicals. However, Joker adds a touch of realism to the story, which makes it believable.


In the film, Arthur Fleck is a failing stand up comedian who suffers from mental illness. Arthur lives with his mother, Penny Fleck, who is his only companion in a world that ridicules and isolates him for his condition.

As the film progresses, it gets darker and darker, exploring Arthur’s relationship with his mother, his environment and society at large, finally culminating in the breaking point at which Arthur embraces his alter ego, Joker.

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The film is quite intense, and one could criticise it for even being too intense. However, the series of tragic events that Arthur is subjected to provide the perfect explanation for the evolution of his character.

In his life, he struggles to make sense of a world in which he does not belong. His transformation is not motivated by power, greed, a desire to rebel against the system, or any of the usual tropes that are often associated with the birth of villains. Arthur’s change is simply driven by acceptance – he stopped trying to rationalise the world, embraced the chaos, and decided to fight back and protect himself, since clearly no one else would.

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Interestingly, Gotham city perceives him in a very different light. The city is an exaggerated reflection of the worst aspects of society – intolerance, corruption, oppression and stigma. The citizens look for someone to blame for their misery, and choose Thomas Wayne.

Joker portrays Thomas Wayne from a very different perspective. We now see him through the eyes of the common man – to them, he is simply a rich capitalist who is completely removed from the real world. He becomes the face of all of Gotham’s problems in the eyes of its residents.

When the Joker begins to unleash chaos in the city, the people of Gotham once again transfer their mass sentiment onto a single human being – but instead of being perceived as a criminal, the Joker now becomes the symbol of change, leading the charge against the rich. Frustrated citizens immediately rally around the Joker and proceed to use him as an example to justify their criminal acts, i.e. ‘the system is unfair therefore we will also rage against it, just like the Joker’.


But throughout the film, no one attempts to communicate with the Joker or understand his context. Society creates a divide between themselves and him – this is repeated with the rise of Batman. This separation creates a protective barrier against any kind of accountability – if things become too chaotic, only the Joker is to blame, and if the city is not safe, it is Batman’s fault. The insensitive nature of the city reveals a fundamental truth – everyone is replaceable.

Overall, the film touches upon many interesting facets of society – both as a whole and as a collection of individuals. Gotham city remains a fascinating abyss of the darkness of humanity. The rise of the Joker from within this environment is not only understandable, but expected.

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